How to Crochet Bobble Edging is the 3rd in a little series of posts about different crocheted edgings. If you missed the others, you can find them here. Shell Edging Picot Edging Bobble edging is trickier than the others. It involves an unusual little manoeuvre where you have to take your hook out then put it through from the other side. It's well worth it though, as it looks great and it is fun to do once you get the hang of it. It ... Read the Post...
Crocheted Picot Edging
Crocheted Picot Edging is the second post in a little series of 4 posts about crocheted edgings. If you haven't already, you might like to take a look at the first one, which shows how to crochet a shell or scalloped edging. And if you stick around for the last one, there will be a free printable of the four edgings plus 2 extra ones! Picot edging is a very simple way of adding decoration to the edge of a piece of knitting or crochet. It is ... Read the Post...
Vintage Coat Butterick B5824
Back in the summer I decided to make a coat. My old coat was looking very tatty and I'd had a bit of a laundry mishap after Boy 4 threw up in the car on the way to Wales. It turns out that if you put an elderly car seat cover in the wash with a tatty coat, the tatty coat ends up with little bits of grey foam stuck to it which are impossible to remove. The coat was creamy white, so this really didn't help! As I'd never made a coat before, ... Read the Post...
Finding a Creative Workspace
I was recently inspired by WeWork to write about my creative workspace. WeWork is a company based in New York that provides inspiring office spaces. They’ve recently opened some beautiful office space in London, but they've also got shared office space in locations all over the world! When I agreed to do this, my first thought was, "Well, it had better be a Pinterest roundup then!" as my tiny corner in my living room is rather humble. I ... Read the Post...