How to Make Spring Bunting It will probably come as no surprise if I tell you that I love bunting. I have bunting hanging up in my living room, in the kitchen and on the dresser. I did have bunting on the front of my house too, until some clown or other decided to swing on the brackets and it ended up adorning the pavement. I even have bunting on my blog header! There's something very cheery about those little flags and it's possible to ... Read the Post...
The Truth About Sewing Your Own Clothes
The Truth About Sewing Your Own Clothes Sewing your own clothes is a lot of fun. I have been making clothes for myself since I was 10, both with using a pattern and without one. Things don't always go perfectly to plan! In this post I am going to share with you some of the truths I have found out about sewing your own clothes. 1. The sizes on the pattern bear no relation to actual dress sizes.Β The key thing here is to check your ... Read the Post...
How to Crochet Fringed Edging
How to Crochet Fringed Edging How to Crochet Fringed Edging is the last in a little series of posts I've been writing about pretty edgings you can crochet. Most of them are very easy. They can be used to give a pretty detail to bags, purses, hair bands, blankets, throws and shawls. The can be also added to non crocheted things like towels and napkins. If you missed the previous tutorials, then can be found here: Shell Edging Picot ... Read the Post...
How to Make Paper Bunting
Paper bunting is great if you need to make some bunting but you don't have time to sew some. All you need is some pretty paper and some bakers' twine. The paper I used was actually a paper pack that came with a magazine back in the days when I was into card making. The bakers' twine I bought from Amazon. This is an affiliate link, but it is the stuff I actually used! Any paper will do, although slightly heavier paper is probably ... Read the Post...