Adding Fibres to Handmade Felt I love making felt! It is easy to do, you can get pleasing results easily and it's a lovely, tactile thing to work with. Making felt doesn't require expensive speciallist equipment. Some wool rovings, a bamboo mat (like the table mats people had in the 80s), soap and hot water, a foam tube, a piece of fabric (old net curtain is perfect) and maybe some bubble wrap are all you need. There are kits available to ... Read the Post...
How to Make a Bunting Cushion
How to Make a Bunting Cushion As much as I love bunting, there is a limit to how much of it you can have strung up about the place. A bunting cushion is a nice, easy way of adding the same cheeriness but without tying yourself up in the real thing every time you walk across a room. A bunting cushion is also a great way to use up bits of fabric left over from other projects. I actually didn't buy any stuff to make this at all! The canvas was ... Read the Post...
How to Fix a Jammed Sewing Machine
How to Fix a Jammed Sewing Machine It happens from time to time. You're sewing away happily, perhaps hoping to get a project finished before your baby wakes up, or before you have to pick the kids up from school, or before midnight because you need to sleep! You can just imagine how lovely the thing you are working on will be when it's finished and you're so nearly there. Then the machine jams. Perhaps the thread breaks. You press the pedal ... Read the Post...
How to Make a Spring Wreath With Bunting
A Spring Wreath With Bunting I'm on a mission at the moment. That mission is to make as much bunting related stuff as I can. Over the last couple of weeks I have made paper bunting and fabric bunting with the letters of the word spring appliqued to it. That's still up in the garden from photographing. I've decided it looks nice there, so it's staying! My latest project is a spring wreath with bunting. It came together pretty quickly. ... Read the Post...