How to Make a Ruffly Flower As I've mentioned using a ruffly flower several times over the last few weeks, I thought it might be a good idea to share with you how to make one! Making a ruffly flower isΒ great. Not only do they add a pretty detail, they are very useful for hiding messy areasΒ where it's all gone a bit wrong. I used a ruffly flower when I made this green wrap dress a couple of years ago. This was actually one of my first ... Read the Post...
What To Do When a Sewing Project Goes Wrong
What To Do When A Sewing Project Goes Wrong No matter how long you have been sewing for, it happens to all of us. An error of judgement, a mistake when measuring, pieces cut incorrectly, an omnivorous sewing machine. A sewing project that goes wrong. I have made dresses that were too small, clothes that were too big, a dress I finished a couple of weeks ago was baggy around the shoulders. My sewing machine has chewed holes in stuff, ... Read the Post...
Picnic Placemat
How to Make a Picnic Place Mat When the weather is nice, my boys and I love to eat outside. Sometimes we like to go to a park, or to the beach. Sometimes we just sit at our picnic table in the back garden. A little problem with doing this however is the toilet habits of the wildlife.Β Nobody wants to eat the lunch at a table where there is bird poop. Sometimes there is no bird poop but the table looks grubby. Even if we are sitting on ... Read the Post...
The Atom Superhero Style DIY Costume
The Atom Superhero Style DIY Costume I no longer feel like Superman's mum. You know the part where his mum makes his suit? As far as I am aware, she only does it the once. It is like I am mum to umpteen superheroes. Including Booster Gold (I know, nobody's heard him!), Green Arrow, Green Lightening, the Reverse Flash and now The Atom. It's just as well for my little superheroes that their mum likes sewing! How to Make The Atom ... Read the Post...