A Quilt Block Cushions Tutorial Although I have never made a patchwork quilt, I love quilt blocks. Having the attention span of a goldfish, I usually avoid huge projects thisΒ because I know there's a good chance I won't ever finish them! But quilt blocks don't just have to be for quilts. They can be used on bags, purses and cushions too. The blocks can be as big or as small as you like. You can use 1 tiny block on a little purse, and ... Read the Post...
A Budget Friendly Cushion Tutorial
A Budget Friendly Cushion Tutorial An easy and inexpensive way to change things up a bit at home is to change the cushions. It's possible to change the feel of a room quite a lot by swapping the cushions for ones with different colours and textures, and maybe some different throws too. Although changing the cushions is cheaper than buying new furniture, if you are on a budget,Β you might not have that option. Even if you make your own, fabric ... Read the Post...
Productivity Hacks For Crafters
Productivity Hacks for Crafters Making things takes time. There are often several steps involving doing different things. It's messy. You need to spread things out. You need to make stuff but your family need to eat off the table. You need to cut out a dress and keep your sewing machine out, but you need them to not get covered in ketchup or pasta sauce. You need to put your cutting mat and rotary cutter on the floor to use it, but your ... Read the Post...
Essential Sewing Kit
What Essential Sewing Kit Do I Need to Start Sewing? When you are new to sewing, it can be difficult to know exactly what essential sewing kit you need. There's so much stuff out there and some people mightΒ tell you that you need it all! But do you? Do you really need to buy masses of stuff in order to sew? It could end up costing a fortune and fabric's not cheap (although with some creativity there are ways round that!). And where on earth ... Read the Post...