An Easy Backpack Tutorial When my boys were tiny, I always had a bag of stuff for them. Little cups with milk or water in, an extra blanket, nappies, wipes, a bib, a change of clothes, spare socks, it was easy to fill a large bag! As they got older, I thought I wouldn't need to bring so much stuff for them whenever we went out. Unfortunately, as I have discovered, this is not the case. They still need stuff, it's just different stuff! They ... Read the Post...
12 Tips For Making Bunting
12 Tips For Making Bunting It probably comes as no surprise that I love bunting! At home I have it everywhere. I even have mini bunting for the Christmas tree! I had it across the front of my house too until some bright spark decided to swing on the hanging basket and the bracket I'd tied the bunting too came off the wall. There's something so cheery about those little flags, and it makes me think of a time when life was perhaps ... Read the Post...
An Oven Gloves Tutorial
An Oven Gloves Tutorial The full oven gloves tutorial is on the Minerva Crafts Bloggers' Network. This post contains affiliate links. When we moved into our current house, one the things we wanted to do was redo the kitchen. Now, almost 14 years later,this might actually happen! I wanted to make something with some fabric I'd seen, with the intention of maybe making more stuff from it for the new kitchen. Oven gloves seemed like a good ... Read the Post...
11 Tips To Save Money On Sewing Supplies
How To Save Money on Sewing Supplies Having a hobby is usually a good thing and sewing is no exception. From the feeling you get walking down the street in something you made yourself, to the strong possibility that it might even help to protect your brain against long term health conditions, sewing is a wonderful thing. Unfortunately, it can be expensive. Cotton fabric alone costs anything from about £6 to £16 a metre. Patterns often cost ... Read the Post...