How to Sew Slippers Recently I was sent some Christmas fabric by Overdale Fabrics. I used 2 out of the 4 fat quarters to make a Christmas present cushion, but I still had some fabric left over. My boys were very keen on the idea of having some slippers made from this fabric, so I set about making them some little slippers! Despite having a mild fondness for footwear, I'd never tried making anything like this before. I'd always assumed that ... Read the Post...
12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenges Day 10
12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenges Day 10 It's Day 10 of The 12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenges! The challenge today is to make a small, stocking filler kind of gift from fabric scraps. Here's Jill with the challenge! So what have you made? Link up below! And if you need some ideas for Christmas gifts you could make from fabric you have already, take a look at some of the links. ... Read the Post...
Easy Christmas Table Decoration
Easy Christmas Table Decoration This is my response to the 7th challenge of 12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenge. The challenge was to make a Christmas decoration using stuff found outside. The greenery I used was from my neighbour's hedge, the berries were from the hedgerows and the pine cones came from the woods. The little dish I had already and the candle and the florists' foam came from a funny little shop over the road from my ... Read the Post...
12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenges Day 9
12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenges Day 9 Welcome to Day 9 of the 12 Days of Christmas Challenges! Today's challenge is to use something you already have to make something to wear for Christmas. This could be a clothes upcycle, or you could make jewellery or some other accessories. Here's Jill with the challenge. Have you made anything that fits the challenge? It doesn't have to be a new project! ... Read the Post...