DIY Scandinavian Style Christmas Decorations There's no question at all that the Scandinavians do winter better than anyone else. One of the things I loved about a recent trip to Norway was eating breakfast by candlelight. The mornings were gloomy and the sky overcast, but in the hotel breakfast area, there were cosy pools of light where you could sit and enjoy your salmon and scrambled eggs. We might be the only people in Norfolk who eat ... Read the Post...
Very Easy DIY Christmas Earrings
Very Easy DIY Christmas Earrings It's nice to have something to wear at Christmas. However, buying new clothes can be expensive, and it doesn't always seem worth it to buy something just for Christmas. And as any of you who have kids will know, going clothes shopping with children in tow is not fun! I love to make my own clothes, but this is time consuming and, in the run up to Christmas, time is in short supply, especially if you want ... Read the Post...
12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenges Day 12
12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenges Day 12 Welcome to the last day of The 12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenges! Thanks for following along. We hope you've enjoyed it! The last challenge is to use fabric you already have to make something for your Christmas table. You could make placemats, cutlery holders, napkins, it's up to you! Here's Jill with the challenge. Have fun checking out the links! If you have anything to link ... Read the Post...
12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenges Day 11
12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenges Day 11 Welcome to Day 11 of The 12 Days of Christmas DIY Challenges! The challenge today is to make a healthy Christmas snack using food that you have in already. Here's Jill with the challenge. Have a look at the links below! And if you make something, please link it up! ... Read the Post...