How To Sew Lazy Daisy Stitch This post contains affiliate links. As the name suggests, lazy daisy stitch is useful for when you want to embroider the petals of flowers. It's a stitch you often see on vintage table cloths where flowers have been embroidered by hand. They can be grouped in 3s or 5s to give the idea of a closed flower, or embroidered around the centre of a flower, like a daisy. To embroider these flowers, I used a ... Read the Post...
DIY Diary Pen Holder Scrap Project
DIY Diary Pen Holder This post contains affiliate links. One of the things I've found with having 4 kids is that I've had to abandon all my natural inclinations to be scatty and force myself to become organised instead. As I have a tendency to forget things, I need write everything down. The best place I've found to do this is in a diary. I've tried various things and the best thing I have found for this is a Moleskine diary. It's ... Read the Post...
10 Ways to Use Sewing to Beat the Winter Blues
10 Ways to UseΒ Sewing to Beat the Winter Blues Christmas is over, but it is definitely still winter and spring seems a long way off. It's dark and cold, the weather is mostly horrible and it might seem like there's not much to look forward to. It's easy for a bad case of the winter gloomies to set in, when all you want to do is wear your pyjamas and eat chocolate. Sewing and other crafts are believed to help if you are feeling fed up, to such ... Read the Post...
How to Sew Storage Boxes
How to Sew Storage Boxes Storage boxes are always useful. I have made a number of fabric storage boxes over the last few years, and I have usually managed to find a use for them within a few days of making them. They're great for using up fat quarter packs bought on impulse, and if you don't mind the sides being different, they can be a good way to use bits left over from other projects. The only problem is that whenΒ you sew storage ... Read the Post...