Cross Body Bag Tutorial One of the things I find about being a parent is that I don't really take less stuff out with us now that my boys aren't babies any more. It's just different stuff. I no longer need nappies and spare clothes (although wipes are still useful). Now it's hats and gloves, snacks and knitting or crochet so that I have something to do whileΒ they're occupied. I also need space for books that they no longer feel like ... Read the Post...
How to Make a DIY Body Form
How to Make a DIY Body Form AΒ dress form is a very useful item to have if you make your own clothes. Draping, pinning and adjusting are all tricky to do on yourself, especially if you don't have a kind friend who you can call on to help, or a husband who won't mess it up! However, the adjustable sort can be expensive and the non adjustable kind might not be the same size as you. Thankfully there is an alternative! In this post, Maggie from ... Read the Post...
A Satchel Tutorial: How to Make an Oilcloth Satchel
Satchel Tutorial This satchel tutorial has been on my to do list for a long time! I wanted to make a bag that was big enough without being huge, with pockets but not too many and in a fabric that I loved. Designing the bag was no problem. The problem was finding the perfect fabric! I wanted it to be oilcloth because I needed it to be waterproof, but after hours of searching the internet I still hadn't found what I wanted. Then I ... Read the Post...
A Guide to Sewing Machine Feet
A Guide to Sewing Machine Feet The first sewing machine I had was a Singer that dated from about 1970. It had one foot and 2 stitch options. Now I have a Silver 8000e, which even as a fairly basic machine can do dozens of different stitches. It also came with half a dozen presser feet. As wonderful as they are, modern sewing machines can leave a person feeling confused and overwhelmed, especially if that person is new to sewing or if that ... Read the Post...