Easy Plastic Bag Storage Tutorial One of my tasks for this week was to venture into the black hole that is the utility room and declare war on the mess. I battled with the mess in the autumn and won :) but unfortunately the utility room has been a dumping ground for stuff that we don't know what else to do with for so long that six months on it is a mess again. I've seen so many beautiful laundry rooms on Pinterest I'm determined to make ours ... Read the Post...
5 Best Places to Buy Fabric Online in the UK
5 Best Places to Buy Fabric Online in the UK There's such a huge choice whenΒ you want to buy fabric online that it can be difficult to know where to start. What kind of stuff do they sell? Is it just quilting cottons or do they sell dressmaking fabric too? Do they sell haberdashery or will I have to get that from somewhere else? How quickly can I get it? Do they have a first class option if I need something in a hurry? Will theyΒ ship ... Read the Post...
How To Crochet Solomon’s Knots
How To Crochet Solomon's Knots Solomon's knots are the perfect stitch if you want to crochet something lacy. It's a good stitch to use if you're using a chunky yarn but you don't want the thing you're making to look too heavy. Recently I was sent some yarn to review by Wool and the Gang. The wool I've used in the tutorial isΒ Heal the Wool in dusty blue. The yarn is called Heal the Wool because It's made entirely from waste wool from the ... Read the Post...
How to Turn a Pillow Into a Box Cushion With Piping
How to Turn a Pillow Into a Box Cushion With Piping One of the things I would love to have in my home is a reading nook. Lots of us living in a small house means that at the moment, there isn't space for the any of the lovely ones I've seen on Pinterest. However, I've decided that I might be able to squeeze a reading nook into my smaller boys' bedroom. They have a wooden chest in one corner that is home to the Thomas the Tank Engine ... Read the Post...