How to Draft a Bodice Pattern Piece Making clothes for yourself is a lot of fun, and in my experience, making clothes without using a commercial pattern is even more fun! If you don't use a pattern (or more to the point, draft the pattern pieces yourself), not only will you end up with something designed specifically for your body shape, you're not restricted to what patterns are available. The only limit is your imagination! When I ... Read the Post...
How to Refashion a Top Into a Dress
How to Refashion a Top Into a Dress I've had this top in my wardrobe for several years. I bought it because I love the print and the colours. Unfortunately my husbandΒ caught me with the camera while I was wearing it and I was horrified to see that I looked fat. Of course, there are some good reasons for this. 4 of those reasons are trashing the upstairs of my house with Lego as we speak. The other reason is my inability to not eat stuff ... Read the Post...
Sewing a Backpack
Sewing a Backpack One of the things I have discovered about being a parent is the sheer amount of stuff you end up carrying about. When my boys were babies, it was little cups, bibs, nappies, wipes and spare clothes. Now they're older, there's not much less stuff, it's just different stuff! No cups now, but bottles of water, macs, jumpers, post its and pencils (a great distraction if the smaller ones are getting restless!), cameras and ... Read the Post...
How to Sew Darts
How to Sew Darts If you haven't tried to sew dartsΒ before, the idea of them can be off putting and you might be tempted to avoid them. This can be said of a number of other sewing techniques as well! But they're one of those things that once you understand their purpose and you know what to do, they'reΒ not scary at all and are actually useful! In this post I'll be explaining what darts are, what they are for and how to sew them. What is a ... Read the Post...