Sewing For Survival: How Sewing Caused the Survival of the Human Race One of my favourite sewing bloggers recently wrote a post about her blog and howΒ she doesn't want to become a faceless tutorial writer. As I have a nasty feeling that I might be at risk of becoming a faceless tutorial writer myself, I've decided to mix things up a bit and write about some different stuff as well as the usual tutorials. So here's a post that's about ... Read the Post...
How to Knit If You Are a Crocheter
How to Knit If You Are a Crocheter Within the last few months, I have discovered something I suspected all along. I am a knitter. Not much of a knitter, at least not yet! But I am a knitter and I have knitted a sock. Ta da! I've been sewing and crocheting since I was a little girl, but despite my mum's best efforts, I never managed to get the hang of knitting. I knew how to knit, but I could never do it properly. My needles never ... Read the Post...
How to Sew Trousers From Your Own Measurements
How to Sew Trousers From Your Own Measurements Last week I showed how to draft a trouser pattern from your measurements. The trouser pattern I made was for Cosmo's measurements, but the same principles apply whatever the size of person! So now I'm going to explain how to sewΒ trousers from the pattern you've made so that you can have a beautiful pair of made to measure trousers! How to Sew Trousers You Will Need Your trouser pattern pieces ... Read the Post...
How to Draft a Trouser Pattern
How to Draft a Trouser Pattern One of the things I love about sewing for little ones is that they don't care about what other people think! My youngest boy, Cosmo, is 4. He doesn't think in terms of some things being for boys and other things being for girls, he just thinks about whether he likes them. His favourite colour is pink. With Cosmo starting school in September, I know that these days of him being free to beΒ just who he is in the ... Read the Post...