How to Sew a Reversible Wrap Skirt In my quest for a neat and tidy house, I have realised that the best way to achieve this is to have less stuff. With 6 of us in a small house, this is not easy! But I know that there are things I can do to make things much better. Having too many clothes can be an issue. How many of us have opened a wardrobe bulging with clothes and immediately thought, "I have nothing to wear!"? I'm trying to cut ... Read the Post...
Why Are Pattern Sizes Different to Ready to Wear?
Why Are Pattern Sizes Different to Ready to Wear? If you've ever made clothes from a pattern, you'll have probably noticed that pattern sizes don't seem to correspond very much with clothes that you might buy on the high street. I think probably lots of us have experienced this at some point. We've bought a pattern and cut out the pieces assuming that the sizing is going to be the same, only to discover (possibly too late!) that the sizing is ... Read the Post...
Easy Flower Arrangement
Easy Flower Arrangement I was recently sent a box full of goodies from the Oasis flower foam people. As the end of term is fast approaching, I decided to put it to good use and design an easy flower arrangement for my boys' teachers and the cub and scout leaders. When I was a teacher, I would often receive bunches of flowers from the children at the end of the school year. I still remember a little girl giving me some beautiful red ... Read the Post...
Mobius Loops That Zip Together
Mobius Loops That Zip Together If somebody had told me 10 years ago that having kids would result in my liking maths, I wouldn't have believed them. In fact, I think I would have laughed in that person's face. Just as having a transport mad child means that I know more about buses than I would care to, having a maths mad child means that I now love Mobius loops almost as much as mathematicians do. What the Heck is Mobius Loop? Mobius ... Read the Post...