DIY Bag Organiser: The End of Losing Stuff in Your Bag! Back in July, one of my lovely readers emailed me to ask if I could write a tutorial showing how to sew a DIY bag organiser. She said that she is forever losing stuff at the bottom of her bag, and some sort of organiser might help. Having found myself more than once frantically hunting for my phone because it's ringing but being unable to find it because it's sunk to the bottom under all ... Read the Post...
Craft Hoarding: 8 Tips to Stop the Stuff From Taking Over
Craft Hoarding: 8 Tips to Stop the Stuff From Taking Over Whether you have a whole room devoted to sewing, or whether your stuff is stashed behind the bedroom door, lots of us often find ourselves with same problem. We find ourselves craft hoarding and It takes over. The fabric pile becomes a mountain. The mountain expands and spawns more mountains. Drawers become full of stuff and boxes overflow. Chairs and tables become buried under half ... Read the Post...
DIY Autumn Flower Arrangement
DIY Autumn Flower Arrangement One of the positive things I've discovered about getting older is that I'm much comfier in my own skin. Among the things I have realised are that it's fine to be a home loving introvert with anti social tendencies and preferring the colder months to summer is not a crime against humanity, the weather or anything else. And I have discovered that out there in internetland, there are a whole lot of other people ... Read the Post...
How to Sew In an Invisible Zip
How to Sew In an Invisible Zip When it comes to sewing, zips are tricky, and knowing how to sew in an invisible zip is especially so. If you're sewing something using a pattern, the proper way of attaching the zip is often fiddly and awkward and the results are possible less than perfect. Or if you're sewing something that doesn't need a pattern, like a cushion cover, you might need to sew in an invisible zip, but suddenly realise you have ... Read the Post...