Sewing To Hide an Eyesore You've probably seen that meme that says something like, "A clean house is a sign of a broken sewing machine". My house is usually a bit of a mess, and my sewing machine works just fine, so perhaps there's some truth in this! But I don't believe that it's all down to having a fully functioning sewing machine. It's also due to the fact that there are 6 messy people living in quite a small house. In an effort to get ... Read the Post...
Scandi Style Felt Birds Craft Kit Giveaway
Scandi Style Felt Birds Craft Kit Giveaway It's giveaway time again! My Scandi style felt birds have proved to be quite popular, and I'm giving you a chance to win a kit for yourself and an extra one for a friend. I was inspired to design these 2 years ago by some pretty Scandinavian style Christmas fabric I'd bought. It was one of those impluse buys where I like the fabirc but didn't have a clear plan of what I was going to make with ... Read the Post...
Easy To Sew Pumpkins Tutorial
Easy To Sew Pumpkins Tutorial I've gone a little bit pumpkin mad this autumn. Having returned from a trip to New England recently, I can see why pumpkins mean autumn for lots ofΒ people. I actually don't like eating them very much (although pumpkin spice latte is delicious!), but I love the orange and their lovely squashy shape! My boys dismissed my suggestion of having pumpkin shaped cushions as weird, so I've restricted myself to making ... Read the Post...
Easy DIY Tulle Skirt With a Hanky Hem
DIY Tulle Skirt With a Hanky Hem I'd been considering making or buying a tulle skirt for a while. The thing that was putting me off was the idea that I am perhaps a little on the old side to go galumphing through the Norfolk countryside like an overgrown, overweight fairy. I've since decided that life is too short to let what other people might or might not be thinking dictate what you want to do, and if somebody wants to go about dressed ... Read the Post...