Needle cases might be seen as a little bit old fashioned, but I like them. I'm the worst person in the world for losing needles, so having somewhere pretty to put them might stop me from losing so many! This DIY embroidered needle case will eventually end up being part of a new craft kit I'm working on. I actually started it early on in lockdown, and I was going to call it the safe at home felt craft kit or something like that. However, ... Read the Post...
Fusion Quilt Part 1: Making The Squares
One of the things that I've had on a Pinterest board for a long time is this. It's a fusion quilt, which basically means that you make quilt squares then crochet them together, so it fuses sewing with crochet. Every time this quilt pops up again, or when I see it there on my Pinterest board, I'm reminded of how pretty it is and how much I like it! I'm not one for making quilts. I've only ever made one pram sized quilt when my eldest was ... Read the Post...
Boxy Pouch Tutorial
This post contains affiliate links. Creativity is an odd thing sometimes. Usually I have lots of ideas, but this hasn't been the case as much recently. Alan Turing apparently had his best ideas in the bath, and I suspect there's something in feeling relaxed that helps ideas to flow. The current global situation is enough to make anybody feel the opposite of relaxed, so I suppose it's not really a surprise that I haven't felt as creative ... Read the Post...
Embroidered Felt Bunting Tutorial
I've been selling craft kits on Etsy for a while now, and, as ideas go, it's proved to be one of my better ones. When I opened a shop on Etsy I had no idea what I was doing and I only hit on the craft kits idea about 5 years in. I wrote a post about it here (and if you want to know what one of my worst ideas was, it was this!). With one thing and another, it's been about a year since I added anything new. Sales of my craft kits are ... Read the Post...