A little while ago, I was reading an email newsletter that mentioned a tv programme called Alone. I've never seen Alone, but from the sound of things, it has a similar format to the Great British Bake Off. A group of people are deposited in the wilderness with only their wits, and perhaps a flint and steal or a length of paracord (I've no idea!), and each week somebody is evicted and sent home. In this particular episode, the final 4 ... Read the Post...
How to Make a Crocheted Hot Water Bottle Cover
I often find that when the weather starts to get colder, I feel more inclined to woolly crafts. If it's something larger, like a blanket, of course it has the added benefit of keeping my legs warm at the same time! But even smaller projects appeal as well. Deciding which colours to use for a crochet project can be tricky, and even if you have an idea of the kinds of colours, it can be difficult finding combinations that look nice ... Read the Post...
Making Leaf Rubbings
Making leaf rubbings, like the paintings of leaves that I wrote about in the last post, is another easy, low risk way to respond in a creative way to the beautiful colours of autumn. Here in England, the leaves are still coming off the trees and we're not yet into winter, so here at least there are plenty still. Making leaf rubbings is an activity that we tend to associate with children, but sometimes coming at these kind of playful things ... Read the Post...
Painting Autumn Leaves
I like to think of leaves as autumn's equivalent of springtime blossom. Like the blossom, it's only for a few short weeks. And if the weather is bad and it's very windy, it can be even less. There's often a real desire to hold onto the leaves and the pretty colours. But like all the seasons, autumn doesn't last, and it can be hard to let go when one season ends and another starts, especially when the one coming along is dark and ... Read the Post...