Autumn is a great time for crafting! Dark evenings and colder weather alongside colourfulΒ leaves, acorns, conkers and pine cones make it the perfect time for making stuff tucked up at home before Christmas preparations start to take over. Here are 10 easy autumn crafts you could do in an evening! One involves sewing, the rest do not. As long as there are trees near where you live, you will be able to make at least some of these things! The ... Read the Post...
Autumn Crafts For Children
Last Sunday afternoon Boy 1 had a birthday party to go to, so I took the opportunity to have some autumn crafty fun with the other boys. This is not an exhaustive list of crafty things you can do with leaves, but it was enough to keep my boys occupied on Sunday afternoon! Leaf Printing in Play Dough I put the leaves on the table with the sycamore seeds and some pine cones I collected last year, along with some play dough. (For a play dough ... Read the Post...
How to Make an Autumn Wreath
Hanging my autumn bunting up on the front of my house seems to have brought about a change in the weather. It is most definitely autumn now. Wet, cold and windy means warm socks, boots, coats and hot chocolate, not to mention looking at beautiful autumns, mostly in America, on Pinterest. Yay! Autumn also means that my floral, summery wreath needs to go into storageΒ upstairs to be replaced by an autumn wreath. I've seen lots of beautiful ... Read the Post...
Autumn Bunting
Back in July I made some bunting to string up on the front of the house to celebrate the start of the summer holidays. I had planned to take to down the next day, then I decided to leave it up for a week, but I liked it so much I left it up for the whole of the summer holidays and September! I only took it down last week because it was looking tatty. My poor house looked naked without it! I had already resolved to make some autumn bunting, so ... Read the Post...