Last week I decided it was time to start autumning things up a bit and also time to have another go at wet felting, so I embarked on an autumn felted picture. I used the woolly tufts that were in suitably autumnal colours and this was the result! I was happy! Wet felting is a wonderfully therapeutic sort of crafting and it's so easy to get artistic looking results even if you got a G in your GCSE Art. Instructions for how I made it can be ... Read the Post...
An Autumn Felted Picture
It's October! Yay! Definitely officially autumn! Although it does not really feel like autumn at the moment as it's so warm and the leaves are still more green than anything. I like autumn. Being uncomfortably hot is as bad as being too cold in my opinion. Sunny autumn days, even if you need a jumper (or a coat) are lovely, warm enough to still enjoy being outside but without breaking out in a sweat if you so much as move. Gorgeous colours, ... Read the Post...
Christening Robes and an Outfit For Boy 3
Here is something I meant to write a post about some time ago. My boys were not actually christened. They had a dedication instead, which is very similar to a christening except that the babies are not initiated into the Christian religion. We chose to have a dedication for them instead because we wanted to mark their births in a spiritual way, but we want them to make that decision for themselves when they are old enough. A dedication is ... Read the Post...
How to Make a Bag
Making bags is great. Being smallish they don't take too long to make or use up too much fabric, making them perfect for using up smaller pieces of fabric that either cost a fortune so you didn't want to buy too much, or stuff left over from other projects. There are lots of ways to make bags, and the approach you choose to take will depend a lot on what you are planning to use the bag for. Obviously a bag for shopping or for storing your ... Read the Post...