I have been crochetingΒ a lot of flowers recently. I have plans for them. I'm not just making them because I like flowers and I think they are nice, although if I didn't think that I wouldn't make them! Flowers need leaves. At least the ones I have been making do! These leaves are very easy to make and are the correct size to work with the flowers. They are made by crocheting 2 rows to form the centre, then the rest of the leaf is made by ... Read the Post...
Another Crocheted Flower Tutorial
Here's another crocheted flower tutorial. I have a plan for these, so all will become clear in a couple of weeks! I wanted to make a flower that was different to the others, so this one has a contrasting centre and twelve petals. I like it with the pink in the middle, but a yellow centre would look nice too. It's a great way for using up odds and ends of yarn, so you could just use whatever colours you have! If you would like to download ... Read the Post...
How to Make a Little Purse
A while ago I was experimenting with making little lined purses. I wanted them to have zips and also be flat at the bottom so that they would stand up on their own. Some gorgeous lace zips caught my eye so I decided to combine the two to make a lined flat bottomed purse with a lace zip. This is the result! I bought the zip from Plush Addict and the fabric from Fabric Rehab. If you would like too use my template you can download it ... Read the Post...
An Easy Fleece Throw Tutorial
Recently we (and by "we" I mean Husband) redecorated the living room. It was a desperatelyΒ overdue job, the most noticeable thing about the walls was the evidence of Boy 2's artistic toddler phase and spaghetti bolognaise. Part of the redecoration included new sofas (there's now enough seating for all of us!) and will also include new curtains when I get round to it. To celebrate, I have made a fleece blanket throw thing for little boys to ... Read the Post...