Holidays offer the perfect opportunity forย making stuff, and as we were required to make Easter hats for church, the boys and I had some craft time after school last Thursday. I wanted to keep things simple while at the same time giving them someย freedom to make what they liked. The hats needed to be wearable as there is an Easter hat parade at church on Easter Sunday! I decided to investigate Poundland as thisย is often a good place to ... Read the Post...
Turning a Dress into a Skirt
This is a dress I made last summer. The pattern came free with a magazine. Despite some misgivings I decided to have a go at making it. However, I should have heeded the warning on the packet. "Easy" is usually a synonym for "completely shapeless and won't fit. You might get away with it if you are stick thin but if you are a bit chunky, forget it". I am definitely on the chunky side and there was no getting away from the fact that the ... Read the Post...
A Bunting Tutorial
Last summer I made some bunting to hang on the front of the house to celebrate the start of the summer holidays. I only meant to leave it up a week or so, but I liked it so much it stayed! By the time autumn swung round, the bunting was looking tatty and sad. I took it down but my poor old house looked naked, so I made some more in beautiful autumn colours. Now it's spring and the bunting is very tatty. It's also got twisted round and round in ... Read the Post...
A Spring Wreath Tutorial
It's wreathย time again! It's only been a couple of months since I last replaced the wreath on our door, but signs of spring are definitely here. I hadn't decided what to do, maybe tidy up last year's spring wreath (you can read about that here!), but at our church a couple of weeks ago they were wanting to get rid of a huge pile of silk flowers. By the time I got over there, they had been raided! But I still managed to find these lovely ... Read the Post...