As Boy 4 still does not object to being dressed up like a dolly, I have decided to make the most of it, especially as there may only be a few more months left before he really starts to resist! Last week I took him off to visit our local fabric shop to let him choose some stuff to make him some dungarees and some more little trousers. Last time I made him dungarees was 2 whole years ago! You can read that post here. Where does the time go? I ... Read the Post...
How to Crochet a Circle
All kinds of crocheted things start off as a circle, so it's a very useful thing to be know how to do if you want to make your own stuff without using a pattern. Hats, bags, crocheted bowls, flowers and a whole load of other stuff start off with a circle. So here is how to crochet a circle! Please note that because I am English I have used British crochet terms, although I think if you use trebles instead of dcs it will probably still ... Read the Post...
Skirt With Godets Tutorial
A few weeks ago, I received some information about the Hillarys crafts competition and I thought it would be fun to enter. Also it involved being sent a metre of fabric for free, so I wasn't going to turn that down! There were 4 fabrics to choose from. The options were all quite feminine so I chose the least girly, thinking that I could make something for Boy 4, perhaps a little jacket. However when the fabric arrived, I discovered it was ... Read the Post...
How to Add a Magnetic Snap
The first time I made a bag using a magnetic snap was about 18 months ago when I made my Tardis bag, so called because it was much bigger than it seemed! Before that i just made bags that didn't close! Magnetic snaps seemed like some kind of wizardry only available to people who were experts in bag making. Having a bag that does not close is not a good thing. Apart from anything else, stuff gets wet. Zips are fine sometimes but they can be ... Read the Post...