I like to feel that I'm being helpful,don't you? That's what I've been trying to do recently with some of my blog posts. So now you all know how to finish off a lined table mat or cloth with a pretty border and mitred corners, and you also know how to add a magnetic snap to a handmade bag, if you didn't already. This post is about different ways of finishing seams. Choosing the best way to finish seams can make the difference between ... Read the Post...
How to Alter a Dress
Last summer I made this dress. I used a pattern that I'd got through an offer in a magazine. I don't usually make clothes for myself from patterns because I find that they often don't fit. This dress was no exception.I have only worn it once because it was too big. Also there are only about 3 days in our English summers when it's actually hot enough to wear something like this! Anyway, we are going to another wedding in a couple of weeks ... Read the Post...
How to Sew Mitred Corners
How to sew a mitred corner might seem like something you only need to know if you make quilts. But it is actually a useful thing to be able to do if you make anything flat that has a lining and corners. I have used mitred corners on lined table cloths and table mats. You might also want to use them on table runners, playmats, baby blankets, lined napkins, picnic stuff, and probably a whole load I haven't thought of. Mitring allows you to ... Read the Post...
Toddler Dungarees Without a Pattern
As Boy 4 still does not object to being dressed up like a dolly, I have decided to make the most of it, especially as there may only be a few more months left before he really starts to resist! Last week I took him off to visit our local fabric shop to let him choose some stuff to make him some dungarees and some more little trousers. Last time I made him dungarees was 2 whole years ago! You can read that post here. Where does the time go? I ... Read the Post...