Now that Boy 4 is 2 1/2, he's at that stage where not taking the buggy seams like a good idea. A few hours into the day though, and I'm wishing that I had it! That boy weighs a ton. I have well developed arm muscles from carrying him around, but they still get tired! I don't especially like pushing the pushchair with nobody in it because I need my hands to grab Boy 4! Carrying a folded pushchair even more of a pain because it is not designed ... Read the Post...
How to Finish a Neckline
Finishing a neckline can be a bit of a tricky business. Hemming it as you would a skirt or a sleeve distorts the fabric and generally makes the thing you are making look a mess. So what do you do instead? Here are three ways of finishing a neckline that will help the top or dress you are making to look amazing! How to Finish a Neckline Facings WithΒ a commercial pattern, the neckline usually will be finished using facings. Facings are ... Read the Post...
How to Attach a Waistband
According to my mum, the first skirt I ever made was when I was 9 or 10. It was a rectangle of fabric sewn together along one edge, with a hem and casing for and elastic at the waist. Unfortunately now, as a slightly chunky grown up, I am not going to get away with wearing skirts with elasticated waists. Those are best left to children and the very slim. Thankfully attaching a waistband to a skirt is pretty easy once you know how! I've ... Read the Post...
Toddler Trousers Without a Pattern
As Boy 4 has been insisting, "Make mine trackies. Make them now," I've had the perfect excuse to do some sewing during the daytime when I am supposed to be playing with him or doing domestic stuff! I made him some dungarees a few weeks ago (you can read that post here!). He chose the fabric himself and he had also chosen some more to make him some little trousers.Β I do have a pattern for trousers but I used that to make him these almost a ... Read the Post...