Don't you love it when random things inside your head suddenly join up? Some stuff inside my head suddenly joined upΒ the other day. I love autumn. Actually I love all the seasons and I have a hard time picking which is my favourite, but autumn has an edge. The days are still warm enough to enjoy doing things out of doors but not so hot that you can't move for sweating. The nights are drawing in, which makes it much easier to persuade young ... Read the Post...
How to Alter a Pattern: Toddler Jacket
Now that the days are starting to become a little chillier, I was facing a bit of a problem whenever I leave the house. Boy 4 has outgrown his cute little fleece jacket that he wore last autumn, but it is not yet cold enough for his big coat. I hadΒ a pattern for a little jacket, but it hadΒ a zip when I actually wanted a jacket with buttons so that he couldΒ do it up himself. I also had some fleece fabric that I had bought last year. So ... Read the Post...
How to Sew on Bias Binding
As a little girl, I used to enjoy rummaging through my mum's blanket box full of left over fabric and the cubby of her sewing machine where she kept other bits and bobs. I can remember finding masses of bias binding, wondering what on earth it was for and why my mum had so much of it! Now of course I know that bias binding has lots of uses! One way in which it can be used is to finish the raw edge on a skirt instead of hemming. It is ... Read the Post...
Crocheted Wire Earrings
The other day I wanted to crochet but I also needed to make some earrings. So it got me thinking: would it be possible to mash the two things together and crochet some earrings? Preferably earrings that are neither enormous or woolly looking. I had a go at crocheting some fine wire and the results were not enormous or woolly! They were rather fiddly but they are very delicate light to wear, so well worth it! They are made by crocheting ... Read the Post...