How many times do you see or experience a view, a beautiful archway, an interesting street, or something where the light and the colours perfectly represents the season or the location, and reach for your paints or your watercolour pencils? I have to say never. I can't draw, or paint, or make sculptures. I did GCSE Art like a bazillion years ago. I got the lowest grade possible and I don't mean a C! I often wish I could though. Photographs ... Read the Post...
Making Jars Pretty and a Jam Recipe
Is jam special enough to give to somebody as a gift? I love homemade jam. Fruit that you've picked yourself, warm and ripe from the sunshine, cooked up with some sugar and lovingly made into a little bit of heaven to spread onto a warm crumpet or a homemade scone. And not a preservative or additive in sight. But will my kids' teachers think the same at Christmas when I hand them a jar of homemade jam in a jar that clearly once contained ... Read the Post...
A Quick and Easy Shopping Bag Tutorial
Shops in England are now required to charge for carrier bags and this causes me a problem. I know that carrier bags are bad in lots of ways. Litter, polluting the seas, killing turtles, biodegrading on the way home, life without carrier bags is probably better. However, like lots of people, I have many uses for carrier bags. I use them as bin bags, for dirty nappies and for clearing up cat sick. I put wellies in them and I'll pop one over ... Read the Post...
What Gives Us Joy
What gives us joy? Obviously life changing events sometimes do. But I don't mean those. I mean the little things that make your heart glad. Everyday things that warm the cockles of your heart. We all need these little things that bring us joy in the everyday. They remind us of why we do what we do and offer us a glimmer of sunshine on the greyest of days. Here is a list of some of the things that give me joy. An Undisturbed Cup of ... Read the Post...