I'm very excited to be cohosting Share it Sunday linky party! I've had a busy old week. This week in our house there have been: 2 birthdays 2 birthday cakes 1 party (they had a joint one) 1 little boy off school with a cold that turned into an ear infection 2 trips to the doctors' 1 flu vaccination with ensuing snotty nose and cold symptoms And on the crafting front 3 superhero costumes 1 last minute Lloyd Garmadon from ... Read the Post...
10 Quick and Easy Handmade Gift Ideas
Making handmade gifts for friends and family at Christmas is a lovely thing to do, but how do you go about it without driving yourself insane? One option is to start early. I know people who like to start on Christmas at the end of the summer, whether they are making gifts or buying them. The problem with doing this is that it is hard to feel Christmassy when we're enjoying early autumn and it's still sunny and warm. It's also difficult to ... Read the Post...
How to Make a Dried Fruit Wreath
One of my favourite Christmas tasks is unpacking all the decorations. I have memories of doing this as a little girl, when my dad would bring the box down from the loft. The tree (always a real one) would be in the front room and we would remove the tinsel and wrap it round ourselves like scarves while my dad put the lights on the tree. The lights had to go on first. That was The Rule. Then the tinsel, then everything else. Glass baubles ... Read the Post...
How To Recover a Lampshade (and Rewire a Lamp!)
The other week I decided that I needed a new lamp. Specifically it was a lamp for the playroom. So I got myself on Ebay and I found some beautiful blue and white lamps with china bases.. I totally fell in love with them! I They were obviously old lamps and the seller was very open about the state they were in. There was a tear in one shade and the other was discoloured, and I could also see in the photograph that the lamps had no plugs. But ... Read the Post...