So I’m enjoying my new crochet hooks but folks, I like to keep my stuff in pretty things and the thing they came in was not pretty. Plasticky, yes. Pink, yes. Pretty, no. It’s a little bit nasty. And Boy 4 has broken it. Sounds like an excuse to make something, doesn’t it? I considered making a thing like a crayon roll but I did make some crayon rolls quite recently and I also don’t want to be reminded when I inevitably lose a couple of hooks and I’m left with empty spaces. I also really wanted to use a scrap of fabric that I had left over from my Tardis Bag but there was not even close to being enough to make a roll stylie thing. There was however enough to make an envelope crochet hook holder for my nice new shiny hooks.
I hemmed the short edges then folded it around a crochet hook to make sure it was the right size, then I sewed along the long edges.
Although I remembered to put the top edge of the envelope underneath so that it would be on the top when I turned it the right way out, unfortunately the top was too long and I couldn’t get the top over when the hooks were in it! Thankfully this was easy to fix with my trusty friend Mr Unpicker. I cut a bit off the top edge of the envelope so that it just covered the bottom. Now I can get my crochet hooks in and out, yay!
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