Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. John 20:1
Making an Easter garden with the boys was something I’d planned to do the week before Easter. However, due to a last minute decision to go on holiday, it didn’t happen. We went to the Wye Valley and wandered round ruined castles in the mizzle. It was nice.
Anyway. It’s still the Easter holidays and Jesus’ resurrection is something to celebrate every day so I prised the boys away from the computer and turfed them out into the garden to give me hand.
We popped next door to our local plant nursery and bought some little alpine plants. The rest of the stuff we used we had already: stones, sticks, twine, a small amount of compost and an old tin.
We put the compost in the tin.
Then the boys collected some sticks and we tied them together to make three crosses, which we stuck into the compost.
We used the stones to make the empty tomb. I brought out the PVA glue but, as it turned out, we didn’t need it. We used smaller stones for the walls, then larger, flatter stones for the roof. I actually found some bits of slate and broken pot which were great for this!
Lastly we added the plants. There was a slight problem in that the pots the plants were in were taller than the tray. This was solved a little bit by mashing the root balls.
It was a lovely thing to do and it also gave the boys and I an opportunity to talk about the Easter story.
“He is not here, for He has risen, just as He said.” Matthew 28:6
This is such a cute idea!! I’ll try it next year with the little boy I nanny!!
Abbi http://www.seasonsofahomemaker.com
My boys enjoyed making it and it was great for talking to them about the Easter story. Thanks for stopping by!