Having read the title, you might be wondering what on earth I'm doing talking about things to do in January, considering what I have said in the past about New Year's resolutions. Please be reassured that I haven't changed my mind! I still think that they are mostly an unpleasant way for us to take on more than we can handle, then beat ourselves up when we don't manage to stick to them for more than a few weeks, or a few days, or not at ... Read the Post...
Things to Do in January
Thoughts on Liking Winter
The Dreariness We're about a week away from the winter solstice, and although where I live in the southern half of England isn't nearly far enough north for it to be dark all the time, it is quite dark and gloomy. Mornings start in darkness, and the light is dwindling by 3.30 in the afternoon. When it's cloudy, it doesn't seem to get properly light all day. Crisp, winter days are lovely, and although the brightness of them is short lived, ... Read the Post...
Thoughts on Christmas Crafts and the Colour Red
We're now into December, and I'm not doing Christmas crafts. That sounds really grumpy, and anti- Christmas! I actually don't have a problem with people doing Christmas crafts. It's just that I have made the decision that I won't, other than the Advent candle, which is already done, the wreath, the Christmas cake and any little things that Cosmo wants to do. When my children were little, I did more Christmas crafts. There were things I ... Read the Post...
Thoughts on Feeling That We Are Doing Badly
A little while ago, I was reading an email newsletter that mentioned a tv programme called Alone. I've never seen Alone, but from the sound of things, it has a similar format to the Great British Bake Off. A group of people are deposited in the wilderness with only their wits, and perhaps a flint and steal or a length of paracord (I've no idea!), and each week somebody is evicted and sent home. In this particular episode, the final 4 ... Read the Post...